
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Episode 34: Building Character Voice

Welcome back! This week, James and I discuss the very things we’ve been talking about recently here on the blog: Metaphor Families, Default Personality Traits, and Default Argument Tactics. James quotes great wisdom forgetting that he’s quoting me, and I heap praise on James’s new book Dare to Know—It’s a kumbaya love fest!

And hey, here’s the facial expression generator from Scott McCloud’s “Making Comics” that I love and James doesn’t!


James Kennedy said...

To be clear and to be fair, I totally see how Scott McCloud's chart here would be very useful for visual artists who want to learn how to portray emotion in a human face. For instance, I'm terrible at drawing, so I would find this chart useful. The thing I was revolting against when Matt showed me this was the idea of equivalent chartification of plot and character when you're writing a story . . . I don't such topics are as amenable to the chart treatment.

Brian McLachlan said...

As a cartoonist, I've used a lot of McCloud's ideas, but never consulted that face chart for reference.

I like James' addition of the pull between metaphor families being an interesting way to add to Matt's concepts. I was expecting Matt to champion its irony, how it becomes a way to show the irony at the heart of a character. A jedi being a spiritual warrior. Britta being a shallow spiritualist. Abed being a cold brain who sees things in relation to passionate human stories.

Great episode!

Matt Bird said...

You're the first person who's ever accused me of not talking about irony enough!

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