I found this gratifying: more than once on the site, Brandon discovers genuine polarized ensembles wandering the streets of New York! Even when advocating such trios, I usually stress that they’re more common in fiction than they are in real life, but it turns out that they’re more common than I thought.
First we get a Heart / Gut / Head (in that he’s risk-averse)
And a Heart (in that his goal is more childlike) / Head / Gut (with an extra gut tagging along...)
It’s simple enough to differentiate characters by giving them different responses to a question, but an even better way to establish their personality is to have each one interpret that question in a fundamentally different way, showing us that their brains are hard-wired differently, and so they’re inevitably going to create conflict.
So that’s it for HONY week. I urge you all to haunt the site as I do, gleaning more insights into human nature and tools for establishing a blast of personality right away.
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