
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

You Decide, Movie-Lovers...

Does my newborn daughter more closely resemble Wallace Beery or Victor MacLaglen?


j.s. said...

Congrats! Even though I only know you as a reader of this blog, I think it's safe to say you that have what it takes to be an excellent parent.

Jonathan Auxier said...

CONGRATULATIONS to both you and Betsy! That is one lucky kid!

sean1 said...


David T. Macknet said...

Victor, all the way.

tanita✿davis said...

Congratulations on the Wee Oiseau! With that headful of hair, I think she doesn't resemble either of the old gents, but ...yeah. Victor.

James Kennedy said...

Congratulations, Matt! A beauty. Enjoy this time to the fullest. It's over so quickly.

Matt Bird said...

Thanks so much, folks! Wife and daughter are doing beautifully. (And don't worry, the epic I just posted above was written last week, so I didn't take any time off poop duty to do it.)

And nobody got the correct answer: it's Beery all the way. You were thrown off by the fact she and MacLaglan were both wearing hats.

Paul Worthington said...

Too close to call - but congratulations!

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