I just broke down some of the hidden reasoning people may have when they say they like or dislike your screenplay. Well, once upon a time, things were simpler. Regular reader Hans noticed this artifact that recently turned up on Boing Boing. Essanay was the short-lived silent film studio where Chaplin made his best shorts. It seems that they were very upfront about what they liked and disliked in a submission. A lot of their checkboxes aren't that dissimilar from my modern version...

So is there any chance of Storyteller's Rulebook becoming an actual book anytime soon? It would have been tremendously useful to me when I was teaching screenwriting. Far too many texts on the subject are either vague or self-serving ... seems to me that there's a market for something with insight.
Hey, I can't view your site properly within Opera, I actually hope you look into fixing this.
Thanks Sara. We love your books here at the Bird manse, so I'd would be fine to have one of my own on the shelf with them (and, okay, fine, some of Betsy's books too)
(And I'll get right on that, Mr. Anonymous Robot)
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