I get back in town tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s my all-time five favorite films. Is there one you hate? Have I created trust issues? Plus: more fun facts!
5. Roger and Me, 1989, Michael Moore
Fun Fact: Watching this movie made me decide to become a filmmaker! Oh how I rue the day!
4. Tales of Manhattan, 1942, Julien Duvivier
Fun Fact: The video added back in a cut sequence featuring W.C. Fields, but it ruins the flow of the movie.
3. In a Lonely Place, 1950, Nicholas Ray
Fun Fact: The novel by Dorothy Hughes is a great read, too, but it has a very different ending!
2. Harold and Maude, 1971, Hal Ashby
As a kid, I loved this and Silver Streak, but I never would have guessed they had the same writer.
1. The Crowd, 1928, King Vidor
Fun Fact: That's right folks, my favorite movie is silent. I'm a true film snob! (And hey, there's the shot that got borrowed for The Apartment.)
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