
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Short Hiatus

Okay, folks, given the unplanned spring hiatus, I’m glad I was able to provide a lot more summer content than I have in recent years.  I’ve still got some good stuff ready to go, but I think I can string it together to form a big new series, so I’m going to save it for the fall.  In the meantime, I’m going to make like a Frenchman and take August off.  I’ll return after Labor Day with that series and a lot of brand-new checklists, since I’m sure you’re just as sick as I am of the same fifteen movies!


PaulClarke said...

Hey Matt,

Good to see some decent numbers on your calendar. Is that a script or the book you're working on?

FYI - the download link to the Pilot checklist is dead. Might need refreshing or something?

Keep up the good work.

Matt Bird said...

Hi Paul, they're script pages, I'm happy to say!

The all-new TV checklist goes up as soon as I come back, so I tell you what, I'll give you a special sneak peak and put up a link to that one on the old pilot checklist page.